What is FORMED?

Evangelization is a key component of our mission as Catholic disciples of Jesus Christ.  The word literally means “Gospel-izing”, or in proper English, spreading and sharing the Good News of the Gospel.  This began when Jesus first handed on the message to the Apostles and His other disciples, and has been handed on throughout the ages.

Think of a giant relay race, and we are participants in it.  The baton is handed on to us, but if it is to continue, We need to receive it.  Then, as we run our part of the race of discipleship, we have to hold on to it.  Finally, we need to hand it off to others so they can run their leg of the race.  All the while, we encourage one another to run the race well.

It is a process that is highly relational—it depends on our relationship to Jesus, and the message always comes from Him.  We can’t hand on what we don’t have in the first place.  But then we must also have relationships to others in order to hand on the Faith.  We are handing it on to our children, our friends, our neighbors, even our spouses and parents if they haven’t yet received it.

Receiving is the moment where we encounter Jesus. We do this in our Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist.  We also do it through reading the Bible, and learning about the Faith.  We hold on to the Faith by deepening that relationship.  This is done also through deeper learning, the life of prayer, continued reception of Sacraments of Eucharist and Penance, and by participating in the Church community (being “cheered on” by others).

The FORMED program is a digital component to aid in this encounter and deepening relationship.  The Augustine Institute makes a series of videos, audio books, and e-books for all ages available in a Netflix-style media format that can be watched from a PC, a tablet or smartphone, and some smart TVs.  Some are educational, others inspirational, and still others, simply for enjoyment.  Every parishioner can sign up (instructions are on the next page) and have unlimited access to these resources.  We will also make use of these resources for some of our youth and adult formation in the Parish.

The best part of this is that the Diocese of Greensburg has made this resource available FOR FREE for this year to every parish that wants it.  Funds were generously provided through the Francis Fund, an evangelization endowment set up by laypeople in the Diocese.

If you have an internet-capable device (PC, smartphone, Apple or Android Tablet, etc.), please sign up and browse the resources that are available.  Apple, Android, and Roku devices also have a FORMED app available for easier access.  If you have a tablet or smartphone but don’t have reliable internet at home, please feel free to use the Guest Wi-Fi when you visit the Church—the Apple and Android apps allow you to download resources to watch/listen/read later.  The Guest Wi-Fi password will be on the bulletin board in the Church Narthex (and when we resume using the Social Hall, it will also be posted there).

Take advantage of this opportunity to deepen your own Faith with this additional resource that has been made available to all of us.