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From Fr. Dino’s Desk

5th Sunday of Easter Reflection

April 28. Texts: Acts 9:26-31, Psalm: 22:26-27, 28, 30, 31-32, 1 John 3:18-24, John 15:1-8

Remain in Me.

Every gardener knows the value and necessity of pruning. The hard work of cutting away what is dead, unwanted, or overgrown is rewarded by lushness of new growth.

 The Second Reading makes very concrete how we remain in Jesus: by keeping His commandment of love in deed and truth.

Bearing fruit – and even more fruit – requires pruning. The pruning tool of the Father – vine grower is the Son’s Word. Allowing this Word to shape us brings forth a life-giving relationship with Jesus (likened to a branch that remains on a vine) that assures abundant and good fruit. Five times we are told to bear fruit, eight times we are told to remain in Jesus. How many times, then, must we be shaped by the Word?